Friday, May 19, 2006

I swear, once I get this remodel done, I'm not touching my build ever again unless I get my own sim. (And then I'll consider hiring someone!) Creating your dream architecture -- or something sort of close to it -- sounds perfectly good until you realize it involves hours of drawing bas reliefs and rose bushes.

I still have to make -- and when I say make, I mean handpaint -- the following textures:

5 bas reliefs
2 mosiacs
2 tiled floors
1 stone arch
1 border texture that's necessary but too boring to explain
2 generic tiling marble textures
1 climbing rose bush
1 smaller rose bush
1 lavender plant
1 tuft of grass
About a billion signs
1 dress (for sale, and for use in ad photos)

And then I have to tweak a couple existing textures, texture the build, build the plants, build the skirt for the dress, set up the teleporters (if I even can), and take my ad photos. Gah.

For the past couple of days, I've been working three to five hours a day on this, and only stopping when my ability to draw has deteriorated too far. I'm eager to be done, but with (for instance) each bas relief clocking in at two hours of work, it's a daunting task.


Blogger Ennui said...

Having completed a build last month which involved a lot of hand-finishing , tweaking, modding, cutting & pasting textures, I feel your pain. But I'm sure the end result will be really worth it - a build that 100% yours and yours alone, that's truly something to take pride in. Looking forward to seeing the finished build! :)

May 23, 2006 8:37 AM  
Blogger Miriel Enfield said...

Thanks! I've been making some real progess these last few days, so hopefully it won't be much longer now. :)

May 25, 2006 7:12 PM  
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September 08, 2006 11:19 PM  

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