Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Jewelry Expo website should be live in a day or so. I'm not good with CSS so it's not fancy (in less generous terms, it doesn't look all that good), but you get what you pay for. Try not to make the window too small when you're viewing it; everything starts to overlap and wander.

I've been trying to cut down on my L$ spending, with much success -- up until Fallingwater released her flower jewelry, Jackal put a bunch of shoes on sale, and I discovered Siyu Suen.

I met Siyu at the Linden Lifestyles party (which I had to skip out of after about half an hour) and saw her wearing this, which is absolutely stunning. So the next day I bought a copy. And went to her store. And bought a bunch of other things. Like this hat, which I paired with an outfit from Silent Sparrow and didn't take off for days:

(Skin: Tete a Pied; hair: ETD; clothing: Silent Sparrow)

I also bought this mask:

(Skin: Tete a Pied)

I absolutely adore her stuff. Most goth things in SL make me go bleah: they're harsh, they're punkish, and they usually have a bunch of chains and spikes attached. But Siyu's stuff is elegant and pretty. It's such a welcome change from all those stompy, spikey boots.

I've also been trying to convince her to sell this stole, which is not goth but nonetheless wonderful:

(Skin: Tete a Pied; hair: ETD; dress: Simone)

Oh, yes, and if you pair her top hat up with one of the Tete a Pied Death skins, well, life is good:

(Hair: ETD)

(I never get around to doing much blogging of other people's fashions, though I always want to -- taking the pictures ceases to be fun about halfway through. But I already had to take a bunch of pictures for new ads, so I took a break to snap these.)


Blogger Roslin said...

Wowzer, wowzer. You have such awesome taste. I want it all, especially the wrap. Wow, wow, wow, that wrap is so needed in sl, love it. Thanks for sharing your finds, can't wait to go shopping.

May 03, 2007 4:18 AM  
Blogger Miriel Enfield said...

I knew you'd like the wrap! I thought of you as soon as I saw it. It's just in her lucky chair at the moment (along with some other things), unfortunately, though she might give it to you/be willing to sell it to you if you ask.

May 03, 2007 4:51 AM  
Blogger Nef said...

*squeee!* Lol this is the first time I've had a mutual blogging, and I love it. WOW you made the archangel mask look amazing O.O I think I need to have a copy of that picture, lol do you mind if I Flickr it? In fact, all of your pics for that? Cause wow, all of them are just awesome (especially the Death one, I'm going to run out and get that skin this instant). Yes I might consider selling the stole, but not before people teleport all their friends to mah store and beat the columns down in their rabid enthusiasm!!! Muahahahaa!!!!!

May 03, 2007 3:28 PM  
Blogger Miriel Enfield said...

Oh, go ahead. :)

(And I think you'd get more enthusiasm if people didn't have to wait for the stole to come up in the lucky chair to get it. ;) )

May 03, 2007 7:10 PM  
Anonymous Davis said...

Siyu Suen’s designs are elegant and beautiful.

March 17, 2025 4:42 PM  

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