95 people in Jewelry Expo's merchant role.
Next year, I'm putting in merchant limits. This is ridiculous. I don't even know how I'm going to fit all those spaces into the build.
Next year, I'm putting in merchant limits. This is ridiculous. I don't even know how I'm going to fit all those spaces into the build.
Yeow! I'm guessing several of those aren't teams.
Only a few of them are teams. Most aren't.
I managed to cram all the necessary booths into the build, and I could maybe fit in one more if I really had to, but that's it. It literally covers an entire sim. (I can hear the complaints about how it's too big already...)
WOW!! And to think I was going to ask if you had a good turn out of merchants !! Obviously this is an Expo that was needed.
I'm going on vacation from Aug 26 through Sept 4, but if there is anything I can do to help you at any other time, just say so. Really.
I intended to volunteer if my SL vs intel crashing was resolved, but maybe I can be useful regardless.
Casandra Shilova
Thanks, Casandra. Are you interested in going around counting pixels and prims once the expo's going, by any chance? I know it's pretty tedious (especially adding up all the pixels), so if you don't want to, then that's fine. :)
yes, that's fine. I mean it - whatever
Just give me explicit "how to" what exactly you want counted (or not), how you want it broken down (or not) and so on - plus anything I might not think of that you think is obvious :)
Thanks, Casandra. I'll send you and my other counters a notecard once it gets closer. :)
Definitely put some merchant limits next time, having anyone be able to create and sell anything is most definitely a mixed blessing! Make it something like established stores with a certain level of traffic or something like that next year ^.^ probably weed out a lot of merchants that way.
I'm not sure basing it on traffic is a nice way of "weeding out merchants." I'm sure my traffic isn't huge by some people's standards but I make quality things. Perhaps only a certain number of each type - or having to pay for a booth might help.
That's so many more than I expected - but I'm sure it will be great! I will also be on vacation the 29th - the 4th, but please let me know if you need help :)
Yeah, Siyu, what Candace said. And most of the merchants are fairly established, if not necessarily high traffic.
I didn't mean anything ridiculously high ^^; Just something modest like 400 or so that shows a level of establishment and marketing. But yeah paying for booths would probably be easier and fairer, lol.
Siyu, I wouldn't break 400 if I didn't have live models driving my traffic up. :/
Yeah, 400 traffic is quite a lot, took me a year to consistently break that.
And 95 merchants? Wow. I'm glad not everyone has submitted an entry for the catalogue ;) (Well, sort of. Would be nicer to have a complete listing, but I wouldn't be looking forward to layouting 95 pages)
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