Monday, July 31, 2006

I'd belatedly announce that I've got Ladybird out, but both of you already know about that. ;)

I did rent a stall/cube at JD Mills, though, in an effort to boost business. I managed to snag one that was both as close as possible to 128, 128, and a desaturated purple. I've got it for two weeks so far. If it makes its rent back, it stays; otherwise, it's gone.

The service I've gotten from the mall owners has been good so far, though. When I rented it, there was some clutter left from previous owners, and I needed an invitation to join the land group. All the officers were out of town then, however. When she got back today, Jana Fleming not only cleared out the stall and sent me an invite, she reset the rental time to a full fourteen days.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Phew, finally got this released. It's shamefully prim-heavy; luckily, attachment culling cuts out most of the prims. L$180 for one, L$380 for all four.

(Hair: ETD; skin: Gala Phoenix; shirt: The New Zero)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Iridescent Neon is out. L$200 for a single dress; L$500 for the pack. L$200 for a single set of earrings and necklace; L$500 for all the earrings and necklaces of one metal color. Handpainted (except for the metal textures, which are default gradients in PSP). Copy/mod/no transfer.

(Skin: Nomine; hair: ETD)

(Skin: Nomine; hair: ETD; shoes: Shiny Things)

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm probably the only person who does, but I love the new photo system! No longer do I have to choose between the terrible compression of low rez photos and the computer killing, ridiculous hugeness of high rez photos. I'm having it give me 1600x1200 snapshots, and it's wonderful.

I realize other people are having problems, but my laptop is going downhill -- I think the fan's dying, probably thanks to SL -- and shuts itself down when doing anything strenuous. After one or two high resolution pictures, it turns itself off. And the old low resolution photos aren't acceptable to me: if you zoom in close enough to get detail on jewelry, you then have to contend with distortion. It's been very difficult for me to take product photos, but now I can again. (Now, if only LL could do something about the sheer tedium of taking product photos.)

Here's one I took tonight, of an outfit/jewelry combination I cobbled together when I got too frustrated with the other outfit I've been working on. A departure from what I usually do, but it was fun to work with all the bright colors.

(Skin: Nomine; hair: ETD; shoes: Shiny Things)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Still can't get onto my sell page at SL Boutique; I think it's time to write an email. I'd thought that I was having problems because I had so much stuff in my vendor, so I rezzed a second vendor and moved some things there. That second vendor only has 27 items in it, and it still causes my browser to freeze up.

Oh, and I noticed a problem with one of the shirts I'm working on, so I've got to fix that. It's never going to be perfect, but there are a couple smallish things I want to fix. I love having finished clothes, but I wish they were easier for me to make!

Monday, July 17, 2006

I was putting together the product photos for Decadent Hours, and I realized... the pendant is crooked. D'oh. So I fixed that, and now I have to go through and reshoot all the pictures.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I've made a necklace for the Relay for Life silent auction on July 22nd and 23rd. Actually, I made about four things, but I liked the first two too much to only make a few copies of them (one of them is absolutely gorgeous), and I wasn't thrilled with the third. Hah, I'm so lame. Anyway, here are pictures. I'd have more, but my computer shuts itself down after taking a couple high resolution photos, so it's slow going.

It's called Decadent Hours, and it comes in 4.5 colors, and there will only be one copy of each color sold ever, and that's it. No other colors will be made. (Backup copies will be kept in my inventory, but I won't be wearing them.) The color versions are named after times of the day (and oh, man, was it a relief to not have to texture a million different gem and metal combinations).

Oh, and all the gem textures are 100% hand drawn. Yes, really. (Can you tell I'm proud of this?)

This is Night:

(Skin: Tete a Pied; hair: ETD)


Early Sunset. You can see the clasp in this picture; those circles are gems.

Late Sunset. I couldn't decide which metal to put the opal(ish thing) with, so I just made two versions.

Noon. My least favorite; it looks kind of cheesy to me.

Dawn. Getting the highlight on that stone right took forever.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I just looked through some pictures I took as I was making my last bit of clothing. It's nice to know that, however frustrating my current project may get (and it's in the "nudging pixels around endlessly" stage, which is pretty annoying), it at least looks a smidgen better than my last dress. And I don't mean it's prettier -- I mean the wrinkles and seams and whatnot look a bit better. Well, to me, anyway. The rest of you might not think so. ;)

On another note, I'd love to do a collaborative fashion exhibition (either on jewelry, or on outre fashion), but I'm concerned about a) finding people and b) bogging down the sim, if I do find people.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Now available in world:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(Hair by ETD, skin by Tete a Pied, clothing by ::Lollipop::).

Comes in five colors: gold, bright gold, silver, copper (my favorite of the bunch, in this case), and black (I've given up calling it gunmetal; I wasn't fooling anyone). L$80 for one, L$175 for all colors. SLexchange listings coming soon; SLBoutique has been effectively inaccessible for me lately (must ask someone for help about that soon), so I don't know when it'll get up there.